Do you keep having to look up the contact info of the customer whose order you just shipped, then go through the tedious process of copy/pasting a generic "Your email has shipped!" message for every shipment that leaves your warehouse? Well, no more! This Zapier automation will automatically send out an email via Gmail to the associated customer whenever an order ships in Skubana!
Note: This Zapier integration doesn't send emails for orders that were shipped prior to the integration being turned on.
How this Skubana-Gmail integration works
- A Skubana order is shipped
- Zapier sends an email through Gmail
Apps involved
Ever wish you could just have all those dropshipping emails written for you? Thanks to this Skubana-Zapier integration, that dream can be realized! This Zapier automation will send an email via Gmail with all relevant order information from Skubana to your dropshipper automatically. Spend more time getting down to the real business and less time inside your email client!
Note: This Zapier integration doesn't send pre-existing orders to dropshippers, only those added after the integration is turned on
How this Skubana-Gmail integration works
- A new order is created in Skubana with the status "Awaiting Dropship"
- Zapier sends an email via Gmail to the dropshipper with order information.
Apps involved